
Herb StevensonDeveloping Your Natural Talent
To Lead

Read the article and interview about the Natural Passages Program with Herb Stevenson in ALN Magazine.
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Click the image below to see our online slide presentation of the Natural Passages program.

Herb StevensonLISTEN!

To Herb Stevenson
talk about the
Four Principals of Leadership in these short interviews.

and to Falling Leaves - music and lyrics written and performed by Jeff Endemann, a participant in MoMen 2006. The song was inspired and written during a MoMen weekend.

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The complete CD is available
for purchase at:


"One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star"

Fathers and Sons

Fathers & Sons

Novelty, Ohio

Natural PathwaysDownload the PDF brochure

James Hillman and Robert Bly often refer to male intimacy as those rare instances where father and son walk shoulder to shoulder and share personal moments by watching a sunset, water lap the shore, or walking in a woods. Sometimes, they speak to each other with words; often, nothing needs to be said.

The Fathers & Sons weekend workshop is an exploration into the relationship between Fathers & Sons. The focus is to delve deeply into the relational aspects by revealing our personal stories to each other. Dynamic exercises will be provided to support an inward journey and then the opportunity to share these private stories with each other.

The intention of the weekend is to take advantage of the wooded area of the Chagrin Valley. Living in tents, Father & Son will have the privacy of family, the comfort of the surrounding forest, and the support of the community of other fathers and sons. Woven into the fabric of the weekend are experiences that support personal and interpersonal explorations of whom are you as a father, as a son, and as two men.


2009 Dates to Be Announced


Food and tents are provided for the weekend. However, all sleeping gear, eating utensils, and personal items must be brought to the weekend. In addition, we are asking that each Father & Son, as a pair, bring 2-3 gallons of water that will be used for drinking and washing stations.


Herb StevensonThe weekend will be facilitated by Herb Stevenson, President of the Cleveland Consulting Group, Inc and founder of the Medicine of Men program. Further details of his background can be found at Additional skilled facilitators will be brought in as needed.

Download the PDF brochure