Nature-based leadership programs that support men through the doorways of life that are not clearly marked.

The Natural Passages Program

Natural Passages is a one year male initiation program. It is a program that enables the core integrity of the man to surface. It is designed to awaken, develop, and nurture the essence and fullness of being a man in today’s world. Our focus is developmental. We seek to invoke the unfoldment of mature masculine energies. Our goal is specific. We seek to assist each man to find his place in the world. Our hope is honorable. We seek to fill the void of mature men that can stay within the center of whom they are regardless of circumstances. Our dream is selfish. In helping you to find your place in the world, we envision your helping others to do the same. Therein, we can build community and make a difference in the world.

Indigenous cultures refer to medicine as the essence of the person, place or thing. In our terms it is the essence of being a man as a spiritual, physical, mental and emotional being. In today’s society it is not always clear what it means to be a man. Moreover, it is not always clear how to be a man, nor is it always clear how to be the authentic self, fully present, regardless of circumstances. It seems that we have forgotten the essence of being a man, the medicine of being a man.

Rite of Passage—The Hero’s Journey

In prior times, the creation and development of medicine of men were done through various forms of initiations, now more commonly called Hero’s journeys. These journeys were structured rituals and ceremonies that brought the boy/man face-to–face with the boyish attitudes and beliefs that no longer served the evolving man. These rituals and ceremonies were designed to ignite the deep masculine energies that would enable the boy to let go of the boyish ways that tended toward self–centeredness and move toward family and community responsibilities.

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MoMen Return Retreat

The MoMen Return weekend is a return to where we started. It is an exploration into the four principles of presence. The focus is to delve deeply into the relational next steps of the four chambered heart, the four phantoms of fear and the resulting shadow behavior. Dynamic exercises will be provided to support an inward journey and then the opportunity to share these private stories with each other. The intention of the weekend is to take advantage of the wooded area of the Pebble Ledges. Living in tents, we will have the magic of solitude, the comfort of the surrounding forest, and the support of the community of other MoMen. Woven into the fabric of the weekend are experiences that support personal and interpersonal explorations of whom are you as a man in today’s world.

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One must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star" —Nietzsche


Thoughts, A Beginning

Available on Amazon in print or for Kindle

By Herb Stevenson
"Thoughts is a story about how thoughts create our realities. It is a fun and exciting spiritual journey about the awakening process of an individual whose world is turned upside down when he meets this strange person named Doc Know. It is whimsical and piercing in the ponderings evoked as the pages magnetically draw one into a exploration of the inner world that creates the meaning making perceptions of the outer world."

Thoughts II

Available on Amazon in print or for Kindle

By Herb Stevenson
"The journey continues for Tom as he re-engages with DocKnow and a host of new teachers, each expanding his awareness of the presence of what is present that is mostly ignored in daily life. Tom often is pushed and pulled into these new awarenesses as he goes on a couple of journeys while being nudged by DocKnow and White Horse. In this fast paced story, many spiritual secrets are revealed leaving Tom reeling from each new discovery."

Thoughts III: Creating the Container

Available on Amazon in print or for Kindle

By Herb Stevenson
"The journey with DocKnow continues as Tom has slowly accepted a much deeper and broader understanding of healing. He encounters more teachers who deepen his understanding that not all seek healing. His journey takes him deep into understanding ceremonial spaces and how presence can shift the sacred space into more expanded capacities and discoveries. Finally, Tom experiences prayer as a form of being that helps him understand how reality is shaped by our thoughts, beliefs, and eventual conscious awareness of the presence of what is present."


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Natural Passages Interviews on Video

Hear what participants in the program have to say.

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Developing Your Natural Talent To Lead

Read the article and interview about the Natural Passages Program with Herb Stevenson in ALN Magazine.

See the article...

Four Principals of Leadership

Listen to Herb Stevenson talk about the Four Principals of Leadership in these short interviews.

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